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Chaos Making a New Science
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Détails sur le produit
Editeur : Penguin Books (1987)
Dimensions du colis:
22,6 x 15,2 x 2,8 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.4 étoiles sur 5
2 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
2.602.515 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
good book if you search an introductory book in chaos theory.not too much science, more of a historical journey.beware book first published in 1987!
Cet ouvrage raconte l'histoire de l'émergence d'un domaine scientifique nouveau : la science du chaos. Reposant sur une connaissance approfondi du contexte scientifique et historique de la recherche dans de nombreux domaines scientifiques, il raconte cette histoire d'une façon vivante, qui permet d'avoir un aperçu de la façon dont a émergé cette révolution scientifique, et en même temps d'avoir des éléments de compréhension scientifique de ces domaines.
Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick is the story of how chaos theory was popularized in different fields of study.In Chaos, Gleick looks at how the science of chaos was developed. It's pretty interesting to follow how researchers in different fields somehow discovers how the theory is not as it seems. How simple systems are not just simple systems but can evolve into complex systems. And how these researchers through their curiosity and open-mindedness were able to see that perhaps there's a new paradigm and a new theory to be discovered.Unfortunately I don't think this book is very well written. The purpose and point of the book is quite hard to see. Does Gleick want to tell us about chaos? In that case the explanations are few and far between and when an explanation of chaos is attempted, it doesn't quite adequately explain it. Perhaps this is more to tell the human side of chaos? How recognition might not always come but the pursuit of truth is more important. In this case I am unconvinced as the structure doesn't allow that to come across. The book seems to be more about individuals and looks to be split up into small autobiographies. Finishing this book, I'm not really sure what it was I was supposed to get out of it. The most interesting point for me was how Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions was exemplified but other than this I don't feel like I got anything else out of the book.This is then not a book about chaos theory. It's more a collection of stories of the people who helped bring about chaos theory and their struggles in doing so.
This book describes the beginnings of an important theory that explains many patterns and behaviors observed in nature that are not usually discussed in traditional science classes even to this day. It's not an easy read but the book's content is well worth the effort especially to those interested in science and how nature "works".I believe this book will be most rewarding to readers with knowledge of science at high-school & college levels, in particular readers that understand how equations/math are used in sciences to describe and predict the behavior of various systems/objects.3-stars for the prose. Gleick's writing doesn't flow and is often hard to follow. I can't say it was enjoyable read, most of the time I felt that I had to "extract" what he is trying to say by rereading certain sections.5-stars for the content, breadth, and depth. Gleick casts a wide net in describing how pieces of Chaos theory emerged from several scientific fields. He did a phenomenal job in researching the topic and immersing himself in technical details.Several keywords to take away from this book are : Chaotic systems, Fractals and Self-Similar patterns, Butterfly effect, Nonlinear systems,Dynamic systems, Bifurcating systems, Attractor. One example of how fractals appear in landscapes: [...].Chaos theory spawned several new subfields broadly can be labelled as Emergent Complexity.
This book was not bad and it tought me a thing or two, but I would have liked more math. It's 75% about 'the who's who on campus', I mean the history of scientists and their discoveries.
Very readable introduction to the field, an excellent popular account. I had read Mandelbrodt's classic on fractals when it appeared, but had not followed on developments.In this book, I liked the story-telling and didactic explanations. Should be a nice gift for youngsters interested in math or physics. A bit more explicit math would have been helpful; sometimes the author bends over backwards to avoid even simple formulae or equations, which might have been easier to understand for readers with college math than verbal explanations.I got interested and probably will follow on with more advanced material.The book may be a bit dated now, but not being an expert, I find it hard to point out specific items that should be added or updated. I am sure that a lot of things have happened after the book was published. I would also have appreciated a longer list of citations of the original publications.
an amaizng book. even for a non-science person like me, it was a great read. glecik has made the language so simple that i found each and every page interesting and understandable. this rates as one of the best books i have ever read in my iife. i have understood now the fact that most of the life we have lead or are leading, has to have a component of chaos in it, and it is alright not to fret over it.
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