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The Course of Love
Ebook Télécharger The Course of Love
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 240 pages
Editeur : Penguin Books Ltd; Édition : 01 (3 janvier 2017)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0241962137
ISBN-13: 978-0241962138
Dimensions du produit:
19,8 x 1,5 x 12,9 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.6 étoiles sur 5
3 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
26.370 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Si je devais résumer le scénario, je dirai que ce livre est une liste de toutes les difficultés qu'un couple rencontre au long de sa vie. Tellement de difficultés que j'en viens à me demander comment on arrive encore à rester en couple !Ce qui en fait un livre très rassurant au final. Je l'ai lu à 25ans alors que je n'avais jamais vécu en couple... Et ça m'a rassuré : j'ai compris que vivre en couple n'est pas idyllique, qu'il y aura toujours des difficultés (et j'ai mieux apprécié ma vie telle qu'elle était, sans espérer qu'un couple résolve toutes mes problèmes).Aujourd'hui, je suis en couple et l'enseignement perdure. Nous vivons des difficultés parfois dans notre couple, mais j'ai plus de recul pour savoir si c'est banal ou si c'est quelque chose qui ne va vraiment pas entre nous. C'est un livre qui nous apprend à avoir beaucoup d'amour pour son partenaire, à essayer de le comprendre avant tout et d'avoir de la communication.Je pense que c'est aussi un livre que je conseillerai aux couples qui se séparent. Quand on voit toutes les difficultés qu'il y a à vivre à deux, c'est compréhensible que ça ne marche pas toujours.À la fin du livre, on a presque vécu toute une vie avec ce couple, et on a vraiment le sentiment d'avoir acquis une sagesse de leur part.Petit bémol dans le livre (et spoiler), je ne pense pas que l'adultère devrait être caché dans un couple. Quand on voit certaines vidéos de The School of Life, on voit qu'ils ont un côté très libertin sur le sexe... (ce qui ne me correspond pas pour ma part). Je trouvé osé de dire "cacher son adultère pour que mon partenaire ne croit pas que je ne l'aime plus" soient comparable à "mentir à mamie sur le gout de son gâteau dégoutant pour qu'elle ne croit pas que je ne l'aime plus".
This book is just amazing. I'm 26 years old and after I red 'the course of love' I feel I have the maturity of 60 yo man, on love. But I'm aware that, as Alain reminds us through the book, that maturity comes with experience.
Merci à Alain de Botton d'avoir ecrit ce magnifique livre ! Dans un monde sans beaucoup de repères sur ce qui se passe ,,après'' une fois qu'on est tombé amoureux, vient ce livre qui apporte une petite lumiere et nous clarifie d'une maniere honete et à la fois elegante sur nos relations inter humaines.
Alain de Botton's May 29, 2016 op-ed piece in the New York Times, entitled "Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person," inspired a blizzard of reader comments --- 531 in all by the time the response period closed. Not surprisingly, his view that "Choosing whom to commit ourselves to is merely a case of identifying which particular variety of suffering we would most like to sacrifice ourselves for" struck many readers as cynical in the extreme.Those same readers might want to reconsider that reaction after reading his sagacious, sophisticated new novel, THE COURSE OF LOVE, which wraps insights like that one around a sensitive portrait of a marriage to make any thoughtful reader question, with de Botton, the psychological and social damage inflicted by our modern notion of romantic love.He patiently marshals the evidence to support his case through the characters of Rabih Khan and Kirsten McLelland. Rabih is an architect with an Edinburgh urban design firm that specializes in public works projects, while Kirsten is a local civil servant with a degree in law and accountancy. They meet on a construction site, and within two hours Rabih magically "feels certain that he has discovered someone endowed with the most extraordinary combination of inner and outer qualities," the person "with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life." The couple's brief, intense courtship is proof positive of de Botton's arch definition of marriage:"Marriage: a hopeful, generous, infinitely kind gamble taken by two people who don't know yet who they are or who the other might be, binding themselves to a future they cannot conceive of and have carefully omitted to investigate."Though their backgrounds couldn't be more different, they share the experience of early loss. Rabih, an atheist of Muslim ancestry, grows up in Beirut amid the sectarian violence of the Lebanese civil war. Shortly after fleeing the city for Barcelona by way of Athens, the 12-year-old boy loses his mother, a German flight attendant, to cancer. Raised a Catholic in Inverness, in the Scottish Highlands, Kirsten watches her father inexplicably walk out of his family's life when she's seven, never to return.As the couple discovers only after much pain and mutual misunderstanding, these early traumas have shaped each one's response to marital conflict in ways that threaten repeatedly to undermine their bond. "We too often act from scripts generated by the crises of long ago that we've all but consciously forgotten," de Botton writes. "We behave according to an archaic logic which now escapes us, following a meaning we can't properly lay bare to those we depend on most."That corrosive process plays out as de Botton follows this attractive young couple through the first 14 years of marriage. We experience along with them how the first flush of romantic love and its attendant sexual excitement are gradually scraped away by the friction of life's demands and disappointments that include the birth of two children and a casual act of adultery.Far from being the embodiment of perfection and mutual fulfillment each initially sees in the other, Kirsten instead endures the frequent flaring of Rabih's irritability and anger as his career stalls and he's weighed down by the burdens of fatherhood, while her response to his tirades is to withdraw into isolation, a reaction that only fuels this destructive cycle. When each embarks on the process of improving the other, the tension rises.The aphoristic style of de Botton's New York Times essay emerges here in frequent authorial asides that make his novel a cross between a work of fiction and an astute self-help manual. Ranging from droll to at times a bit frightening, those observations offer substantial grist for reflection to readers who have been married for any length of time.de Botton argues (and displays movingly through the story of Rabih and Kirsten) for what he calls "enlightened romantic pessimism," an attitude that "simply assumes that one person can't be everything to another." Instead of holding each other up to an idealized (and impossible) standard of perfection, he suggests, "We should look for ways to accommodate ourselves as gently and as kindly as we can to the awkward realities of living alongside another fallen creature. There can only ever be a 'good enough' marriage."By the novel's close, de Botton has gently helped us understand how even the most seemingly unremarkable marriage may deserve to be regarded as a work of quiet heroism. "Love is a skill, not just an enthusiasm," he concludes, an attitude most couples might do well to adopt to carry them through the inevitable rough patches and leave their unions intact.Reviewed by Harvey Freedenberg
Once, early on in my marriage, my husband and I had a particularly intense fight over a ridiculously trivial matter. I barely remember the topic – something about where to hang some artwork – but I vividly recall that frightening feeling that I had made a ghastly mistake in joining our futures together.Enter Alain De Botton. I wish I could advise my younger self to have read his book. De Botton employs an everyman and everywoman – in this case, Rahib, a non-religious budding architect from Beirut and Kirsten, a woman who had been abandoned early on in life by her father. Sparks fly and we follow the two of them through the course of love – infatuation, wedding, children, disillusionment, adultery, and finally, maturity.Rahib and Kirsten are just foils for the author’s theme: falling in love is easy but maintaining that love is the real challenge. No one, after all, is perfect. “Rather than split up,†the author writes, “We may need to tell ourselves more accurate stories – stories that don’t dwell so much on the beginning, that don’t promise us complete understanding, that strive to normalize our troubles and show us a melancholy yet hopeful path through the course of love.†Each step of Rahib and Kirsten’s relationship is met with an evaluation – even an analysis – of what, precisely, is going on in their heads. The primal needs of this everyman and everywoman still demand attention as they reach adulthood and parenthood and much of their disillusionment stems from a desire to have the partner magically understand what those needs are…without appearing too vulnerable.There is a problem with presenting the course of love through the eyes of surrogates. This reading experience is bound to be intensely personal, and when it deviates too much from the reader’s own experience, there is a waning interest. My husband, and I, for example, never had kids together, and I found myself not all that interested in Rahib and Kirsten’s parenthood experiences.Yet the conclusions – that Romantic ideas of love are a recipe for disaster and that one can only be in love when one has given up on perfection – is compelling. “Rather than notional idea of perfect complementarity, it is the capacity to tolerate dissimilarity that is the true marker of the “right†person.†My husband and I are still going strong after reaching that conclusion. To my mind, this book should be de rigueur reading for every couple contemplating marriage and every couple who wonders why their own marriage isn’t 100% perfect all the time (which is the vast majority of us!)
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